Neurofeedback addresses problems of brain disregulation

neurofeedback gamesThe Somatic Vision games you know about are used by home users interested in using heart rate and skin sweat feedback for stress reduction and peak performance.

Did you know that modified versions of these same games are used clinically to treat brain-related conditions using brainwave biofeedback, called neurofeedback?

Somatic Vision games form the backbone of the Cygnet neurofeedback system by EEG Info, which is used worldwide by psychologists and doctors in one-on-one sessions addressing brain-related disorders.

I would encourage Somatic Vision customers to learn more about neurofeedback, and its potential uses when dealing with more challenging issues than can be easily addressed at home.

If you want to learn more about neurofeeback, I recommend any of the following:
A Neurotopia video showing how neurofeedback works and benefits people
Neurofeedback videos on ouTube

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