Betty Ford Clinic uses biofeedback to help drug rehab be more effective

Thanks to an article in the Press of Atlanta City, I learned that even the most prominent facilities that help people recover from drug addiction have been including biofeedback in their programs. This comes as no surprise!

From the article:

Scientists define addiction as a chronic illness characterized by relapses during recovery, such as diabetes or hypertension. As with those health conditions, managing addiction requires a sustained lifestyle change, and most rehab centers — regardless of cost and amenities, and some of these are quite deluxe and expensive — aim to bring about that change through counseling, education and community service.

Because addicts share key things in common, they need care, understanding and hope as they work toward recovery — whether it's in a fancy facility or a simple one.

Betty Ford Center, on 20 acres in the desert east of Los Angeles, offers acupuncture and biofeedback as part of their recovery program. Residential patients share double rooms with views of the local mountains, enjoying meals shaped by the staff dietitian and personalized exercise plans designed by the onsite fitness trainer.

It is our hope at Somatic Vision that more substance-abuse programs will incorporate biofeedback, since we have seen first-hand how effective it is at teaching people to:

  • - Find healthier ways to cope with ongoing stress from any source
  • - Change ingrained habits for better wellbeing
  • - Use the mind to control the body
  • - Insert conscious self-management into the tumult of life

And this is why we have created and keep building Alive: People need effective tools to help them improve their life experience and move from troubled points in time to better living. People are stronger than they know, and the right tools can very frequently help them to achieve anything they really want.

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