Dreamscapes is UNBELIEVABLE!

I have barely gotten started. WOWWWWWWWW

I cannot wait to tell my biofeedback mentor Tony Hughes, who runs the general biofeedback education for Stens. He has moved to using Alive over the past few years because he said Alive can do so much more ---

He has no idea

WOW Thank you so much Ryan!!!!!!


The Somatic Vision biofeedback software is the best of its kind that I have encountered in my clinical work.  My patients and trainees appear to have no difficulty with the operation of the software, and the biofeedback sessions are engaging, enjoyable, and productive.  The various games and activities are suitable for all age ranges, and the on-screen representations of SCL and HR are clear and intuitive.  I expect to be recommending Alive packages to many of my colleagues, particularly those who are assisting individuals with stress and anxiety issues.

The software has provided tremendous satisfaction.  In addition, I am impressed and amazed by the outstanding support and technical assistance that is available.  It has become clear to me that the Somatic Vision team understands the demands of consumers and clinicians.  The team's assistance with my installations has been provided in a prompt, conscientious manner.  I offer my thanks to them.

I look forward to implementing more of the Somatic Vision tools in my clinical practice.


Any claims made by these practitioners, mostly licensed clinical psychologists, are based on using Alive with other standard psychological tools and assessments, and do not indicate that Alive can treat or help any medical or psychological illness under private home use. If you have a medical or psychological condition, please seek the help of a licensed specialist.

Alive serves as an excellent working platform for the stress management trainer and as an excellent platform for achieving a real transformation for the client.

The quality and the variety of the graphing options, the clarity and the variety of data shown, the possibility of following the progress of the client in the different physiological channels, all make the Alive biofeedback system a great value.

The variety of training environments and workshops together with the advanced design make training sessions very enjoyable for the client. Alive is a wonderful, advanced “gamer-like” training platform that is both fun and very effective, increasing motivation to train and learn.

Alive is the biofeedback system I have long been waiting for! It has everything I need as a psychotherapist. The combination of high-quality SCL and HRV feedback helps me to achieve treatment goals without having to deal with complicated instrumentation or having to use different systems each time.

What makes Alive such a great system is its excellent graphing options, wonderful breathing coach, and that it lets you advance with training using a variety of wonderful environments, mini-games and more challenging games. The gradual nature of the training enables me to first teach the client basic self-regulating techniques and then advance to scenarios where he or she has to use the technique under growing difficulty levels ̶ resembling the stressful world outside.

The Alive system is flexible and easy to use, and it appeals to a variety of clients with different diagnosis and personality traits. I can find training options for introverts needing some relaxing environments, for extroverts that need more stimuli, and even for obsessive clients that enjoy Alive scoring and get very motivated by following their progress. My “Type A” clients love the car races and the manual car race is something I never saw in any other biofeedback system! This really enables me to confront my clients with frustration, and evoke a spectrum of emotions that helps them practice the new self regulating skills they learned.

I keep discovering and using new features all the time ̶ some come via web updates (which I love getting!) and some I first try on myself and then offer my clients (the wonderful collection of workshops offer a variety of very effective techniques.)

Thank you so much for this wonderful and comprehensive biofeedback system.

Alive is a very user-friendly biofeedback system. One of its most important advantages, for me, is the simultaneous the GSR and HRV data viewing. Together with the BVP I get a very clear picture of the patient’s reactivity and of their ability to adapt to different stimuli.

The numerous and excellent workshops in Alive are helping me build individually tailored tools for helping patients self-regulate and cope with stress. The interactive coach helps both my patients and me to train efficiently, keeping in track and staying in line with previous training sessions and advancing the right way.

A patient of mine even took the time to praise the developers of Alive, saying he loves the different training options, the graphics, and the various feedback options.

I am writing to tell you how happy I am with your software and how much my patients love it!

With Alive, my treatments shifted to a more comprehensive, yet very enjoyable, training. We are now able to understand the psychophysiological aspects of problems in much deeper ways. The detailed progress reports and clinical views have a very strong impact on the patients, strengthening their self-efficacy.

Alive helps me plan interventions in better ways than before. At last, I can use biofeedback with younger patients without them quickly getting bored! They just love the car racing games.

Thanks so much!


I recently started working with Alive, and I wanted to share with you my enthusiasm from this wonderful software. For me as a therapist and for my patients this software is really fantastic — absolutely addicting! Animations are great. I had one patient simply enjoying the feeling of bending the spoon, he felt so empowered by it.

The software itself is easy and fun to use and the graphs are excellent. I am eagerly waiting for for more upgrades and surprises from Somatic Vision. Thanks so much!!!

The games have primarily been used by the team at Galileo House (our child/youth centre). We have had young children, parents and carers, as well as SASS staff, trial the games — all have been amazed at the effects. I originally installed the games and was the first to try the fish game in Particle Editor.

Initially I got the fish only to the edge of the screen, but eventually had them all swimming across and the music playing. Then someone came into the room and mentioned a recent event that I didn’t think had affected me much, but when the issue was raised, all the fish sunk to the bottom of the screen and the music stopped!! It was a great visual to attach to my feelings about a particular issue and realize the hidden effects of stress/trauma.

Somatic Vision has taken human development and understanding to a whole new level. As a psychotherapist who has worked with biofeedback and successful entrepreneurs for more than 25 years, it has been challenging to find a system like Alive that gently flows around the corners of a client's mind, enabling quicker and deeper access to unconscious habits and abilities.

Add to that the most beautiful graphics and you've got a tool destined to change the way our society thinks and acts. I highly recommend all the Somatic Vision products both personally and professionally. You just can't find anything better!
