- Watch Streaming Movies*, Google Search, Play Online Games or Use Social Media.
- The site is the feedback, with shrink, color change, volume change, or any of over 24 customizable effects.
- Works with most websites.**
- Combine effects for strong customizable feedback.
- Strong Customizable Feedback. Multiple tabs. Easy to use.
Advanced Browser is sold as a monthly subscription only, due to our ongoing maintenance costs to maintain site compatibility, and yearly license costs to allow streaming protected content.
Package |
Order |
Advanced Browser is Part of the All Access Pass Subscription
Advanced Browser is an add-on for Alive (any version of Alive for Windows). This Subscription allows you to use ALL Somatic Vision Add-On Games. Cancel any time. No yearly commitment. |
$49.99 | |
Non-Renewing Yearly License
Pay once, for one year of Advanced Browser + All Access Pass. When the year is over, you will not be automatically charged for the next year. You can also use ALL Somatic Vision Add-On Games during that year. |
$599 | |

What's this?
The Advanced Browser Subscription Unlocks ALL Somatic Vision Add-On Games.
Use Arcade, Dual Drive II, Tropical Heat, and other Somatic Vision games for free while subscribed to Advanced Browser.
Easily train for hours watching fun movies, using social media, or being productive. Play videos that elicit chosen emotional states, to help you achieve relaxation or overcome fears.
*Advanced Browser currently works with many streaming video sites including Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video and YouTube. Site compatibility may change at any time as websites change their requirements. You must purchase your own subscriptions to streaming services like Netflix. Sites shown are examples only. Advanced Browser isn't affiliated with any streaming services or web sites.
**Advanced Browser works with sites that don't require plugin installation. For example, Advanced Browser doesn't work with Zoom as it requires a Zoom plugin.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
- Alive, Alive Clinical or Alive Pioneer with any Alive compatible sensor
- 1 GB of Free Disk Space
- Advanced Browser may only be registered to a single computer.
Run Transfer Activation to move your activation to another computer at any time.
Licensing and patent information
© 2009-2025 Somatic Vision Inc. Alive, Alive Clinical, Alive Pioneer, Gains & Drains, Today Log, Zoom Out, Change the Channel, Mental Mini-Breaks, Dual Drive, Dual Drive II, Dreamscapes, Somatic Vision VR, Inner Tube, Particle Editor, Tropical Heat, Advanced Media Player and Advanced Browser are all trademarks of Somatic Vision Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured under license from Quantum Intech, Inc. Quantum Intech and the Quantum Intech logo are trademarks of Quantum Intech, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. HeartMath and the HeartMath logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Institute of HeartMath in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners. Coherence algorithms contained within this product licensed from and © 1999-2010 Quantum Intech, Inc, with all rights reserved, and are protected by the following patents in the US: 6,358,201; 7,117,032; 7,163,512; 7,462,151 and 8,066,637. Other patents include: European Union 1156851; Canada 2,365,032; Australia 770323; China ZL00807109.8; Hong Kong HK1042056; Japan 4410234; Korea 10-0616370