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Can´t launch Alive

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 7:39 pm
by Hugo
I live in Portugal (Europe).
Have bought Alive licence and Dreamescapes w/ GP8.
All came from and distribuitor of yours.
I instaled the software and registered without problems.
But did not open the trial before.

When the GP8 arrived, i link everithing and try to launch Alive.... But it apperars a window saying "loading Alive...", then a second window all gray with the boarder and the top left with the somatic vision logo and name for about 5 seconds and then closes and disapear....
So i already read all the FAQ but didn´t find anything that answer my problem.

I have a Sony Vaio i5 w/ 8 ram . Portatil PC.

I really need some help.

Re: Can´t launch Alive

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 4:31 am
by Ryan Deluz
Hi Hugo,

Have you tried these steps:

That page covers a few pieces of software that override standard windows components and cause Alive to crash. Make sure you don't have any of these installed on your computer:
Cyberlink PowerDVD
InterVideo WinDVD
Replay Video Capture

If this doesn't help, and you've followed all the steps in the link above, we can set up a remote control support session to fix your problem. Please let me know here or contact us using the orange button at the top left corner of the page


Ryan Deluz
Somatic Vision Inc.