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Smoothness in Alive and Coherence in Particle Editor

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:50 am
by jedimindtraveler
Are they the same measurement? Are they the same as Heart Math's heart rate coherence?

I've been enjoying testing out Alive for the first time. It's amazing just seeing the beat to beat heart rate changes, especially when there was a sound for each beat.


Re: Smoothness in Alive and Coherence in Particle Editor

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:17 am
by Ryan Deluz

Alive's smoothness is very similar to Coherence in Particle Editor, and somewhat similar Coherence in HeartMath software.

Alive's smoothness is a more sensitive algorithm than Coherence in Particle Editor. Both work well, but Alive can show a specific % smoothness whereas the changes measured in Particle Editor were larger (nearer to smooth or not smooth, then 33% smooth).

HeartMath has a different algorithm to determine coherence. It is slower to change and uses more data in determining coherence. It is roughly the same, and will often correlate, but users switching from one system to another often have an adjustment period. If you use an emWave sensor in Alive, you can choose to use the HeartMath algorithm if you prefer by selecting it from the drop down menu where you choose smoothness difficulty.

