
Arcade Download

If you already own Lightstone, IOM, emWave or other Alive compatible sensors, you can download Arcade (1 GB) immediately and begin using it.

If you do not already own sensors, you are welcome to download Arcade so it is ready for when your sensors arrive.

Download Arcade for Windows
Download Arcade for Mac OS X

To use Arcade with Alive, you must install Alive 2024.2 or higher before installing Arcade.

Arcade can be used with or without Somatic Vision's Alive software. To run Arcade through Alive chose Arcade from the Alive Main Menu.

If you do not already own Alive, and want Arcade to record and review sessions, or use Alive Clinical features such as secondary graph training screens, consider purchasing Alive, which comes with a no-questions moneyback guarantee.

If you have problems downloading Arcade try the Arcade Alternate Downloader for Windows.
If you have a restrictive firewall that prevents Arcade from downloading try the Arcade Mirror Downloader for Windows.