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Monitor setup

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:46 pm
by willtaylor
I've been using Alive Pioneer version on my 27" iMac, with windows for graphic & environment/Dreamscapes displays. Big enough to have several windows open for multiple graph displays if I wish. Just set up on my 11" MacBook Air laptop, using Duet to employ an iPad as second monitor, connected via USB-to-lightning cable. Very nice, easy & portable solution for multiple display!

Re: Monitor setup

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:25 am
by Ryan Deluz
Great idea! Thanks for making this suggestion to others!

I also saw your other post on HRV, but feel like I should leave that one for others to respond to, as it sounds like more of a general discussion that should be open to other users, let me know if you were really asking me, and I'll post.